“A true genius admits that he/she knows nothing.”
Albert Einstein

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In this quarantine time of COVID-19 pandemic, it can also means a time to recognize the opportunity for reinvention and acquiring more knowledge and skills. So aside from Netflix and chilling out, we are encouraging you to read more books or finish at least one book during this lockdown season.

We are sharing some top book picks from CEOs and COOs with you.


1. A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
2. See You At The Top by Zig Ziglar
3. The Magic Of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
4. Developing The Leader Within You by John Maxwell
5. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki


1.Leadership Bible by John Maxwell
2. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
3. 31 Reasons People Do Not Receive Their Financial Harvest by Mike Murdock
4. The Power Of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Les hewitt
5. God's Creative Power by Charles Capps

CEO: Chief Executive Officer
A chief executive officer, or just chief executive, is the most senior corporate, executive, or administrative officer in charge of managing an organization – especially an independent legal entity such as a company or nonprofit institution.
See also Managing Director.

COO: Chief Operating Officer
A chief operating officer, also called a chief operations officer, is one of the highest-ranking executive positions in an organization, comprising part of the "C-suite". The COO is usually the second-in-command at the firm, especially if the highest-ranking executive is the chairman and CEO.

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