“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
Mark Twain

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The Project Control List form is designed for those office workers who want to simply handle their project in a easy way dispite that hassle from complicated project management software. All tasks are now listed in the Project Control List as PDCA (in the processes of Plan, DO, Check, Action) and 5W2H (What, When, Where, Who, Why, How many, How much) approches.

Anybody could get it hands on easily without training with the Project Control List form. This might help a lot of staffs to shorten the time to handle their projects.

The Project Control List form is a comprehensive and simple chart to handle a project:

You can download the form of Proejct Control List in .ods format version and .xlsx format version:



To properly to open the .ods format and .xlsx format , you at least need to download LibreOffice or purchase Microsoft Office.

Gantt Chart is listed as the 2nd spreadsheet:

hash tags: #project management, #PDCA, #5W2H, #business, #project control list

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