Just Keep Buying is a best-selling book of category personal finance or investment. The author Nick Maggiulli introduces the principles and principles of wealth creation through data charts. By following these rules, you can also accumulate a pot of gold or move towards financial freedom.
The Conclusions of this book are summarized as rules as below Just Keep Buying Rules:
The poor should focus on saving money, and the rich should focus on investing.
Determine where you are in your financial journey before deciding where to focus your time and energy. If your expected savings are greater than your expected investment returns, focus on saving, otherwise focus on investing. If the two numbers are close, focus on both saving and investing.
Save what you can
Your income and expenses are rarely fixed, so your savings rate shouldn't be fixed either. Saving what you can can reduce the stress of managing your finances.
Focus on income, not expenses
There are limits to spending, but there are no limits to increasing your income. Find ways to help increase your current income. Invest more money in wealth-generating assets to expand into more money in the future.
Use the Twice Rule to Eliminate Spending Guilt
If you've ever felt guilty about splurging, invest the same amount of money each time you splurge in a wealth-generating asset or donate it to charity. This is the easiest way to spend worry-free.
Save at least 50% of your future salary increases and dividends
A little lifestyle inflation is okay, but if you want to stay on track, remember to limit it to no more than 50% of your future salary increase.
Debt is not necessarily a good or bad thing, it depends on how you use it
There are situations where debt can be harmful and other situations where debt can be beneficial. Use debt only if it will be beneficial to your finances.
Only buy a house when the time is right
Buying a home is probably the biggest financial decision you'll ever make. Therefore, you should only buy a home if it's right for your financial situation and your current lifestyle.
When saving for a large purchase, use cash deposits
Although, bonds and stocks may make you more money while you wait. But when saving for a wedding or other large-ticket purchase, you should use cash deposits.
Retirement is about more than just money
When deciding to retire, you should consider what you want to do and what kind of life you want to live after retirement.
Invest to build financial capital to replace your declining human capital
You can't work forever, replace your human capital with financial capital before it's too late. Investing is the best way to do this.
Think like an owner and buy wealth-generating assets
To grow your income significantly, you should think like a business owner. Use your money to purchase wealth-generating assets.
Don't buy individual stocks
Buying individual stocks and hoping to beat the market is like flipping a coin. You might succeed, but even if you succeed, how do you know it wasn't pure luck?
Buy quickly, sell slowly
Since eventful markets tend to rise over the long term, the best rule for optimizing your wealth is to buy fast and sell slowly. If you are not comfortable with this rule, then your buying and selling may be too risky for you.
Invest early and invest often
If you think you can keep saving money and wait for a good time to enter the market, think again. Not even God can beat dollar-cost averaging.
Investment is not just about what cards you have, it also depends on how you play the cards you have.
Throughout your investing career, you will go through periods of good and bad luck, but what matters most is your long-term behavior.
When volatility inevitably comes, don’t be afraid
The market will not provide you with a smooth ride, don't forget, you have to go through some downhills (prices fall) before you can go uphill (prices rise).
Market crashes are often buying opportunities
Future returns are typically highest after major market crashes. So don't be afraid to take advantage of the occasional market crash. Enter the market when crisis.
Spend money on the life you need first, and then consider taking risky investments for the life you want.
Although, the title of this book is Just Keep Buying, there are times when selling is appropriate and necessary. After all, why would you create wealth if you are not using it?
Think twice before maxing out your 401(k) retirement funds
A 401(k) may offer less annual tax benefit than you think, so before locking up your money for decades, consider what else you might need to do with your money.
You'll never feel rich, and that's okay
No matter how rich you are, there is always someone richer than you. If you win the financial game, don't lose yourself in the process.
Time is your most important asset
You can always make more money, but nothing can buy you more time.
The financial game we’re already playing
Fortunately, we don't need a time machine to play the Time Traveler game. Because we're already playing it. In fact, we've been playing it our entire lives.
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