“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”

 -- Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama Sakyamuni

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It is useful to learn Tagalog which is Philippine's national language when you are living and traveling in the Philippines for most of the basic occassions especially for foreign tourists. Learn now Filipino Tagalog language for FREE from these online resources. You will find it is easy to learn with audio playbacks.

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College Rules is a interesting book to guide students how to survive in the college. Topics are on how to study, survive, and succeed in college.

College Rules is written by Sherrie Nist-Olejnik and Jodi Patrick Holschuh. It's a highly recommended reading for students will attend colleges or universities.

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The best way to learn English is to live in English spoken country. And Philippines is one of the best chooses to go for studying English in Asia. This article summed up the list of top 10 English Schools in Cebu for non-English native speaking students (including foriegners). Usually these schools combine dormitory, classrooms, cafeteria, sports facilities so students will feel like living in an English spoken community. And the tuition fee is also fair enough to students. Some schools even have outdoor experiencing classes in Cebu city.


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