“If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”
-- Albert Einstein

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College Rules is a interesting book to guide students how to survive in the college. Topics are on how to study, survive, and succeed in college.

College Rules is written by Sherrie Nist-Olejnik and Jodi Patrick Holschuh. It's a highly recommended reading for students will attend colleges or universities.

College Rules
by Sherrie Nist-Olejnik and Jodi Patrick Holschuh

Topics inside the book:

- Study smarter—not harder
- Use technology in the classroom
- Choose an app for every occasion
- Excel at time management [Read: Balance homework and parties]
- Stay motivated—even in those “yawn” classes
- Plan a manageable course schedule
- Interact effectively with profs
- Become a research ace—online and at the library
- Survive the stress of exam week
- Set yourself up for stellar recommendations

This book can be purchased on Amazon.com for the latest edition (4th edition) :



SHERRIE NIST-OLEJNIK received her PhD from the University of Florida in 1982. She spent her career at the University of Georgia researching and writing about college student learning. Over the years, she developed a special interest in how students make the academic transition from learning in high school to learning in college. But it was her love of teaching that inspired College Rules!. Years of university teaching led her to a firm belief that students can make a smooth transition from high school to college, and should be able to, if they are given the tools.

JODI PATRICK HOLSCHUH is a professor and chair in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Texas State University. Jodi has been involved in helping students make the transition from high school to college learning for her entire academic career. An award-winning teacher, Jodi is currently the department chair of one of the largest colleges of curriculum and instruction in the country. She has also served as an educational consultant in Texas and Georgia public schools, teaching teachers ways to prepare their students for college learning.

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