"All women can be sexy. If you have a cool personality and a sense of humor, people will fall in love with you."
-- Ellen Adarna

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Cashflow Quadrant - Guide to Financial Freedom is a classic book of Rich Dad Poor Dad series for popular over 20 years. The author Robert Kiyosaki introduces a unique and clear concept about the magic of cashflow of money to overview 4 types of making money. This is a MUST READ book for building up the fundamental of personal finance.

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Just Keep Buying is a best-selling book of category personal finance or investment. The author Nick Maggiulli introduces the principles and principles of wealth creation through data charts. By following these rules, you can also accumulate a pot of gold or move towards financial freedom.

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Are you unable to save money every month? Even if your income is good, you always feel like there is a hole in your pocket. You may look good on the outside, but the amount in your bank passbook does not seem to increase. Sometimes you still feel insecure about your wealth. If you are like this, it means that your current financial situation is a mess. But don’t worry, as long as you master some basic financial knowledge, you can solve this problem.

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