“We want the happiness of the Philippines, but we want to obtain it through noble and just means. If I have to commit villainy to make her happy, I would refuse to do so, because I am sure that what is built on sand sooner or later would tumble down.”
-- Jose Rizal, The Rizal-Blumentritt Correspondence

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There are 21 public holidays in 2020 in the Philippines.

Holidays are:

Date    Day    Holiday
1 Jan    Wed    New Year's Day
25 Jan    Sat    Chinese New Year
25 Feb    Tue    EDSA Revolution Anniversary
9 Apr    Thu    Day of Valor
9 Apr    Thu    Maundy Thursday
10 Apr    Fri    Good Friday
11 Apr    Sat    Black Saturday
1 May    Fri    Labor Day
25 May    Mon    Eidul Fitr
12 Jun    Fri    Independence Day
31 Jul    Fri    Eidul Adha
21 Aug    Fri    Ninoy Aquino Day
31 Aug    Mon    National Heroes Day
1 Nov    Sun    All Saints' Day
2 Nov    Mon    All Saints' Day Holiday
30 Nov    Mon    Bonifacio Day
8 Dec    Tue    Immaculate Conception
24 Dec    Thu    Christmas Holiday
25 Dec    Fri    Christmas Day
30 Dec    Wed    Rizal Day
31 Dec    Thu    New Year's Eve

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