“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”  --  Lao Tzu

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The ultimate income automated is passive income that making money when you are sleeping. These 11 passive income ideas is summarized here for your reference to assist you approaching financial freedom and improve wealth conditions.

1. Write ebooks

a.If you like blogging, it's easy to convert your blog into an

b.The income of ebooks not so high, the advantage is there is no

printing fee charged by publisher.
c. You may sell your ebook in multiple platforms.

success possibility: ***
invest amount      : *
time               : ***
ROI                : **

2. Become an self media (youtuber)

a. Establish yourself as self media, youtuber,
b. Focus on contents: build up a website and sell products or sell

c. Could be in partnership with affiliate marketing companies.

success possibility: **
invest amount      : *
time               : ***
ROI                : **

3. Sell online course

a. Charge by annual fee or monthly fee or one time fee.
b. It's popular paid by knowledge nowadays.
c. In Mobile Internet Age, the wave pushes this model to cutting the

d. 90% ~ 98% profit rate.

success possibility: ***
invest amount      : **
time               : ****
ROI                : ***

4. Develop iPhone or Android App

a. If you have and good idea on mobile phones, you may turn your

ideas into spark by app !
b. But there are million millions of app out there, you must find

your unique features to develop the app to make its popularity.

success possibility: *
invest amount      : *
time               : ***
ROI                : **

5. Auto vending machine

(ex: laundromat, gaming store, etc...)

a. Replenishment or maintenance is required in most of the cases.
b. Capital is needed to leverage income.

success possibility: **
invest amount      : ***
time               : ***
ROI                : **

6. Rent your properties

a. For example to rent your spare rooms is as easy as on

b. or rent your car
c. Sometimes you need to hire a property agent to manage rental


success possibility: ***
invest amount      : *****
time               : **
ROI                : ***

7. Buy divident stocks or mutual funds

a. Got a lot of money to invest is the most simple passive income.
b. time saving and cost effective.
c. need to take care of taxation.
d. re-invest the income to make compound interest.

success possibility: *****
invest amount      : *****
time               : *
ROI                : **

8. Create content database and sell them

a. sell photos or graphics in shutterstock.com or Fotolia and make


success possibility: *****
invest amount      : *
time               : ***
ROI                : ****

9. P2P social lending platform

a. peer-to-peer lending makes possible today for small amount and to

 earn a little high interest rate vs bank.

success possibility: ***
invest amount      : ****
time               : ***
ROI                : ****

10. Invest domain name and flip it

a.If you are interested in create good names, this might be your

options to make money by registering domain name and flipping it to

someone else.

success possibility: *
invest amount      : **
time               : *
ROI                : *

11. create franchaise system or knowledge and authorize

a. Design content, T shirt, mug, logo, pattern etc.
b. To make money by authorizing the design or system to others.

success possibility: **
invest amount      : ***
time               : *****
ROI                : ****


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