“There is no such thing as overnight success or easy money. If you fail, do not be discouraged; try again. When you do well, do not change your ways. Success is not just good luck: It is a combination of hard work, good credit standing, opportunity, readiness, and timing. Success will not last if you do not take care of it.”
-- Henry Sy Sr. Founder of SM Investments.

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Riding on the rugged mountain road toward the volcano Taal feels like a riding a old motor with a worn out engine. Everything is funny but a little sweat.

Before go to Taal Volcano, you need to take boat to the Taal Island.

There are some fishing farm on the Taal Lake.

Taal Lake is huge that the boating takes 40 minutes long.

Everybody ride a horse to make ease to trek the Taal Volcano.

Passing through a village.

A view from horse riding.

A small road leads up to the Taal Volcano crater.

Hike the mountain.

You will arrive at the Taal Volcano crater.

It's fun to play golf to Taal Volcano.

A view from the Taal Volcano to Taal Lake.

Horses resting area.

A tourist riding the horse while the owner pull the tail. ha ha...

Many tourists arriving the Taal Volcano.

Passing the trench.


#travel, #Tagaytay, #trekking, #trail, #trekkers, #mountain hiking, #volcano, #lake, #crater, #Taal Volcano, #horse riding

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