“In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”
-- Buddha

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Paoay Church is established in year 1710. It's featured with it's materials from stones and shells. 

The Saint Augustine Church (Spanish: Iglesia de San Agustín de Paoay), commonly known as the Paoay Church, is a Roman Catholic church in the Municipality of Paoay, Ilocos Norte in the Philippines. Completed in 1710, the church is famous for its distinct architecture highlighted by the enormous buttresses on the sides and back of the building. It is declared as a National Cultural Treasure by the Philippine government in 1973 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the collective group of Baroque Churches of the Philippines in 1993.




* Heading south to Paoay Church from Laoag City. Tree tunnel ahead on the way.


* Crossing a bridge.


* Another tree tunnel.


* It's a rural place along the way.


* Finally we arrived Paoay Church in Paoay, Ilocos Norte.


* The church was designed in Spanish style Roman Catholic church.












*  The wall built with sea shells and stones.

























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