“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”  --  Lao Tzu

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Issue Tracking List for Business is a semi automatic office tasks monitoring system using excel (or libre office Calc worksheet). It is useful with this form you can overall checking all the office issues you have listed on it.

Issue Tracking List for Business - the office tasks monitoring list for small business.

Download Libre Office https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download/

Download issue-tracking-list-for-business-v1-20230305.ods ODS file (editing with Libre Office Calc worksheet)

Editing issues with Libre Office Calc worksheet.

It control each issue with category, department, subject, person in charge, expenses, create date, due date, expiry days etc...

Print out of issue tracking list

If you want to work the issue tracking list with a management system, you might consider Mantis BT bug tracker:


or some other issue trackers:


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