“I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.”
-- Warren Buffett

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Ukokkei Ramen Ron Restaurant is a Japanese Ramen house at Arnaiz Avenue (formerly Pasay Road) in San Lorenzo, Makati City near Ayala Greenbelt Mall. Their ramens noodle soup is one of the best ramen on the blocks in Metro Manila based on unofficial survey everyone says yummy once he/she tried their ramens.

One of the best ramen is "Nira Ninniku Karamiso Ramen" and suggested to try. It's silky fowl miso ramen contains with Chinese chives and garlic.

Everyone should try "Aji Tamago" (Ajisuke Nitamago) (seasoned boiled egg)

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