We all, to some degree, absorb the mythologies around us, our vision refracted by the prisms of our particular time and place.

-- Alex Tizon

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Banana Leaf Southeast Asian Restaurant features its delicious food on banana leaf that is located in Ayala Greenbelt Mall in Makati City. The food are full of species and curry style. It opened since of Greenbelt 1 opened way back 20 years ago.

The main door of Banana Leaf Restaurant.

The dining paper of Banana Leaf Asian Cafe.

Very nice ambience of the restaurant.

A must try fresh buko juice.

The specialty Hainan Chicken Rice set meal.

Yellow chicken curry with bread.

green bean sprouts

Put all together on the banana leaf. it is the south eastern style.

Banana Leaf Restaurant is located at Greenbelt 3 in Ayala Center in Makati City, Philippines.

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