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-- Elon Musk

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Taiwan Film Festival 2017 which is hosted by CINE KABAYAN has different topics on migrant workers in Taiwan. The festival runs from September 8, 2017 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm at Cine Adarna UP Film Center, University of Philippines Diliman, Quezon City. It's free admission.



Migrant Workers in Taiwan Film Festival - UP Film Institute


Featured films includes:

Pinoy Sunday (Full Length, 1:21:54)

See you, Lovable Strangers (1:21)

I Have It Maid (Full Length, 1:01:27)


Short Film Collections 1:Nia’s Door, Lovely Sunday, About the Maritime Drifters


Nia's Door (1:15)



About the Maritime Drifters (1:18)


Short Film Collections 2:Arnie, About the Maritime Drifters,  Beyond Our Smile

Arnie (1:20)



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