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(Filipino Proverb)

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For a PC user with several years experience using Windows. Migrate to Macbook Air (MBA, ultra-thin laptop) is a challenge.

Macbook Air is really easy to use, lightweight, fast boot, very sensitive touch, long standby time ... great !  However, in actual use, you will find something weird.

The reasons suggested not to buy Macbook Air are below:


No CD player

This first impression of Macbook Air is "thin", but the price is that there is no optical disc drive. If you have a lot of DVDs and Blu-rays to watch, and hope that you can occasionally burn  DVD. You will need to buy an external Optical disc drive.


There are only two USB (Type-C) ports. Apple made them lighter with no ports at all.

Did you see that ? You will have to dongle connect any and everything you own that doesn’t come with a USB-C port.
Regardless of the 11-inch or 13-inch model, there are only two USB Ports (no matter USB Gen 3 Type-A or USB Type-C). You can only connect any two of mouse, USB disk, 3G network card, flash drive unless you buy an external USB hub to accomodate more devices. Of course, you can use Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, but those are still expensive to buy. And it is also required a AAA akaline batteries to operate.


You need a USB to LAN adapter to use Ethernet

For some ocassions in office, you need to connect to LAN port for a stable internet connection. But the Macbook Air does not have an LAN/Ethernet port. To solve this problem, you need to buy an adapter. Similar to the one below, it sells for about USD30, which is considered as additional Apple's tax.


No HDMI port nor micro HDMI port

HDMI is a very common used cable to output screen to TV, monitor or projector. Unfortunately, Macbook Air has no HDMI or micro HDMI port at all.


A VGA adapter is needed if your company projector only has VGA input.

Technology is changing every year, but your company's projectors will use for couple years. You need to buy an additional "Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter" or "USB
Type-C to HDMI / VGA adapter". Additional fee is getting out of your pocket again.


Hardware is not upgradeable. Unable to upgrade memory and storage

The Macbook Air's memory is welded to the board, and there is no reserved slot to expand memory. You can't upgrade it yourself. Upon purchase Macbook Air, you have to decide on 4GB, 8GB, or 16GB RAM sizes. Although 4GB is enough for office processing. However there is higher possibility that you will have multiple tasks to do in the future.


Expensive especially when it comes to larger capacity model

The 13-inch 256G version has an asking price of USD1,599, which you can buy almost 2 entry level Windows laptops. Or equivalent to buy 3 pcs of iPad minis.The Mac operating system OS X has a capacity of about 11G. If you install Windows 7 or Windows 10, you need to purchase Windows license and leave 100GB for Windows (for example). And if you have a lot of data to store, You should really consider other alternative windows laptop with same total price but with more storage capacity.


You will need to learn the gestures of the touchpad

It's quite confusing when you use Multi-Touch on OS X (macOS) for the The first time. One finger, two finger, three finger have different meanings for the touchpad.
Why bother to learn complicated gestures to adapt new system.


No print screen button [PrtScr]

People who are used to using the print screen function on a PC can't find the [prt scr] button on the Macbook Air, and do not know what to do next for the first time. On PC it required one push the button. While in fact, there are also print screens on the Mac, but it is a little more troublesome (or I am not get used to it).
There are two basic methods.
* Command + Shift + 3: The entire screen print screen is automatically stored on the desktop.
* Command + Shift + 4: The range of the print screen can be adjusted and automatically stored on the desktop.


The aluminum alloy casing is "slippery"

The aluminum alloy shell is very soft to the touch, but it also easily slips from the hand, and many people accidentally fall to the ground in this way. So be careful because the Macbook Air is quite expensive.


If you are not used to the OS X (macOS) operating system, you may need to install Windows.

It's cool to install dual boot systems of OS X (macOS) and Windows. But it's an extra money to purchase license.


No touch screen

Many Ultrabooks equips with a touch screen. Regardless of practicality, basically it allow to one more intuitive operation. This MBA does not have a touch screen.

Conclusion: "want" does not mean "need"

You will "want", in fact, Apple company is good at advertising and marketing. Be rational. Think carefully about whether you really "need" it.

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