"Before you say and do, think about it seven times." by Filipino Wisdom.

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Honda Bay island hopping is one of the most exciting activities in Puerto Princesa. Honda Bay covers several white sand islands near Puerto Princesa City of Palawan province. It also attracts hundred thousands people every year to travel here to enjoy the water and sun shine and islands sightseeing.

To go Honda Bay island hopping, you must ride van or tricycle to go HOBBAI Puerto Princesa City Tourist Information Center. It's also the pier where get onboard bangka boat.

HOBBAI Puerto Princesa City Tourist Information Center. Tourists shall register first here before on board.

Ride the bangka boat.

A companion boat.

First island we arrived.

Bangka boats.

Tropical huts is where tourists have lunch and escape from hot burn sun light.

People are playing water.

Very peaceful paradise.

Bangka boats parked in front of tropical huts.

Did you see me ? A crab is hiding from the color of the white sand.

Waves of the ocean.

A hut sites in the water of the sea.

Mangroove on the white sand.

Snake Island white sand extends to the far side.

Like a a beautiful scenic painting.

Now hop to the next island.

Only you and me.

Jumping into water from the tower.

Ready? Set !

Jump !

My shadow on the sand.

Walking on the sand...

Yet another jumpping backward...

Tropical huts on the island.

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