“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

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Cebu Island is located in the middle of Visayan Islands group. Its capital city is Cebu City which is populated 1 million with nicknam "the Queen City of the South" that come up with cultures and historical sites worth to visit and explore. In a decade it has transformed into a global hub for business processing services, tourism, shipping, furniture-making. And it's always fun to travel and sightsee this city and the island.

There are several attraction spots that catch people's eyes that you wouild like to visit around this island:

Hilltop and Night View @ Busay

Kawasan Falls

Ayala Center Cebu

Tumalog Falls

Fort San Pedro

Simala Shrine Church

Yap Sandiego Ancestral House

Basilica del Santo Niño

Sinulog Festival

Casa Gorordo Museum

Oslob Whale Shark Encounter

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