“Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draws it.
Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.”
-- Gautama Buddha

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Whether it's "SEO" or "search engine optimization," it sounds like an unfamiliar term with a distant professionalism. But in fact it is closely related to our every day. The era of mobile computing is coming,

Now as long as you want to search, you first open Google, enter keywords, and then thousands of search results will pop up.

"Active search" has become a trend 70% of consumption starts with active search

In response to the development of technology and the changes of the times, "active search" has become a trend. Companies should take advantage of the change in digital habits to actively capture the attention of searchers. To put it simply, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is through the digital network layout, so that your corporate website can gradually rank higher on the Google search page, which is not only easier to be seen by Internet users, but also easier to click into the website.

People who click on the corporate website under the premise of active search will start to have a series of positive effects if they see high-quality content or articles on the website that can help him, such as: sharing with others, subscribing to corporate newsletters, or even actively searching More business information, these are positively helpful to the company's ranking in search engines.

In addition, SEO has other benefits to the business interests of enterprises:

Bring in a large amount of accurate traffic / potential customers

In response to the trend of active search, as long as you do a good job in the creation of high-quality content, backlink plan, and keyword arrangement, not only will your exposure increase, but people who click into the website through search engines have a high chance of being potential customers that companies want to attract. So after doing SEO, the search engine will automatically bring you accurate and large number of potential customers.

High ROI digital strategy brings long-term business benefits

Why is the cost of SEO lower and the return on investment higher? Because SEO can bring long-term business benefits to enterprises, not just short-term effects that are short-lived. As long as content creation, digital plan and optimized quality are maintained, the potential customers and benefits it brings will exist for a long time.

Establish brand authority and popularity to form a positive cycle

A company's good SEO will also have positive effects on brand awareness, authority and influence. With the continuous production of high-quality content on corporate websites to answer potential customers' doubts, or through other digital layouts such as backlinks, press releases, and guest articles, the effect will gradually be seen over time. As long as SEO starts to be effective, the authoritative score of the website will rise, Google will also recommend it to potential customers, and the brand will be seen by more people, forming a positive cycle.

In conclusion, as technology and customer behaviors change, companies must begin to adjust their digital strategies to maintain their competitive advantage.

SEO is one of the best ways for companies to establish authority and visibility in the online world. In addition, at the implementation level, it is recommended to entrust a professional team to ensure that you have the latest digital knowledge and plan a complete network layout to strive for long-term business benefits for your company.

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