“We want the happiness of the Philippines, but we want to obtain it through noble and just means. If I have to commit villainy to make her happy, I would refuse to do so, because I am sure that what is built on sand sooner or later would tumble down.”
-- Jose Rizal, The Rizal-Blumentritt Correspondence

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The 2nd major part of National Museum exhibition is the Archaeology division where it collected animal bones from everywhere in the country to make a overview of animals lifeform.

Achaeology Division:

A skull of dolphin.

Bovids, Skulls of carabaws.

A dog fight to saving a baby dog while crocodile is biting. This is considered as the most valuable treasure of the animal archaeology section of the museum.

Small monkey skeleton.

A gorilla skeleton.

A big whale skeleton. (the size as a big boat)

National Museum is located at Ermita district in Manila City, just right beside Manila City Hall and Rizal Park.

Want to see more national treasures collections ? Take some time to visit National Museum !

National Museum of the Philippines

Address: P. Burgos Drive, Rizal Park, Ermita, Manila City, Philippines
Open Hours: Tuesdays - Sundays, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Entrance Fee: free admission.


Fine Art, Archaeology, Ethnography, Natural History


National Museum of Fine Arts
National Museum of Anthropology
National Planetarium
Regional Museums

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