"The things that matter most should never be at the mercy of the things that matter least."
-- Goethe

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Solo - a book for anyone who works by themselves. SOLO How to Work Alone is written by Rebecca Seal who explains the way to work properly from home remotely and stay a good quality of life and not lose your mind. It's the first guide book to teach people to work alone with balance especially during this pandemic period.

Summary of the Book:

A practical, accessible, and charming guide for finding joy while navigating your professional life working remotely from home - without losing your mind.

No matter what, working alone is now the new normal. The COVID-19 pandemic may have accelerated the process of changing the way we work, but the trend is clear - making a living outside the boundary of a public workplace is here to stay.

For those who needs guidance on how to work from a home office remotely, here is a clear, expert, and genuinely helpful guide to managing a productive career without long conversations or on-call IT support, but with more freedom. Written by a dedicated work-from-home expert, Solo showcases the wisdom from the latest research in psychology, economics, and social science and explores what we gain, or lose, in the shift to solo work.

In chapters like “Loneliness and Solitude,” “The Power of Planning,” and “The Curse of Comparison (and Why Social Media Sucks),” it explains for freelancers, offering practical, inspiring, and uniquely reassuring advice culled from a range of influences, and shows what helps us stay resilient, productive, and focused in a company of one.

This book can be purchased on Amazon at price USD10.99:


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