“If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”
-- Albert Einstein

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In the book of Rich Dad Poor Dad, the poor dad tells you to go to school and get a high-paying job, while instead, the rich dad tells you to create 4 assets to get rich. The assets are the magic things keep earning money for you.

Based on Robert Kiyosaki's Poor Dad and Rich Dad definition, 4 assets are:

1. Businesses:

A business is a entity that people works for you, and the entity could avail tax exemptions from many way made by law.

2. Real Estate: 

Real Estate is those properties that makes money for your by renting or selling them.

3. Paper:

Papers that makes money for you are something like: stock, bonds, mutual funds, savings with interests etc... could make profit by ROI (Return of Investment) by investment to other profitable companies on the (stock) markets by EPS (Earning Per Share).

4. Commodities:

such as oil, silver, gold, etc...

(* If you have bigger bandwidth, you may watch the source video by Robert Kiyosaki. )

4 Assets That Make You Rich | Robert Kiyosaki | Success Resources

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