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-- Albert Einstein

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Carriedo Street has never been busy enough anytime and it's always a good chance to experience crowds. From here you can buy most of life necessarities with very lower prices since there are many wholesale markets. Due to it's crowded. Remember to keep an eye on your belongings when you are walking and shopping.


* Carriedo Street. Full of crowds.


* crowds are walking along the whole street.


* Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene.


* Manila City Plaza.


* FR Hildalgo Street.


* Villalobos Street.


* vegetable vendor.


* another vegetable and fruit vendor.


* Prices are so cheap.


* prices are negociatable.


* also kitchenwares are selling on the street.


* in front of SM Clearance Outlet.


* Full of vendors on the streets.


* SM Clearance Outlet on sale every day !


* Carriedo Station of LRT 1.


* Another market right beside Carriedo station.


* Always busy even it's night hours.



* Note: It's highly recommended to pay attention personal safety while walking and shopping around Quiapo area.


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