“No leader can do it alone. Leadership is not a solo act. In the story of every successful organization, institution, or community, you will not find a single example of exceptional achievement without the active involvement and support of many people.”
-- Jaime Augusto de Zobel de Ayala, Chairman and CEO of Ayala Corporation.

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Buenavista Viewdeck is located at the halfway from Puerto Princesa City to Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. Standing on the viewdeck of Buenavista of the hilltop, you can overlook beautiful Ulugan Bay especially when it's clear view and freshy air after tropical rain shower.

The sign of Buenavista Viewdeck.

Step up to rooftop of Buenavista Viewdeck.

Overlook the Ulugan Bay.

The other side of Ulugan Bay.

The Ulugan Bay.

A tropical rain shower at the far side.

It's clear view and freshy air.

Buenavista Viewdeck is on the halfway (50km) of the highway from Puerto Princesa to Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park.

#rooftoo , #roofdeck , #hilltoo , #buenavista 

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