A long voyage begins with just one step.
(Filipino Proverb)

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Mount Samat Cross in Bataan province is official called Mount Samat National Shrine. It was built in year 1966 to remember the Battle of Bataan that Filipino and American soldiers fought Japanese invasion during World War II.

The distance from Metro Manila to Mount Samat Cross is about 134 km and 2 hours 38 minutes.

Mount Samat Cross is located at the top of a small hill in Barangay Pilar in Bataan Province.

The entrance from the Barangay of Kagitingan, in Bataan province.

Mount Samat Cross is located on the top of the hill.

Goog view that you can see Manila Bay.

The Mount Samat National Shrine.

The description of the Battle of Bataan.

The military map of the battle.

The cross is on the top of the hill.

The cross is about 30 meters high.

Look down to the Manila Bay from the top of the hill.

The view to the other side of Manila Bay.

The cross decorates with image of the Battle of Bataan.

The cross decorates with image of the Battle of Bataan.

The door to the elevator inside the cross.

Manila Bay.

The Mount Samat Cross.

A note plate about the cross.

Another good view from the cross.

The cross among the fog.

Another good view from the cross.

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