“To attain knowledge, add things everyday. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.”
-- Lao Tzu

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Solo - a book for anyone who works by themselves. SOLO How to Work Alone is written by Rebecca Seal who explains the way to work properly from home remotely and stay a good quality of life and not lose your mind. It's the first guide book to teach people to work alone with balance especially during this pandemic period.

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As globalization progress moving on and low birth rate in Japan, working abroad in Japan is now made possible and popular for foreigners. You can check out these Work In Japan Websites and find some valuable opportunities, full time and part time.

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For those who are looking for freelancer jobs here are the top 10 freelancer websites which are useful tools for Filipinos to visit, register, post profile and search opportunities of online jobs such as web design, graphic design, digital marketing, social media management (SMM), search engine optimization (SEO), content writing, blogging, translation, and virtual assistant (VA) etc. Locally and globally.

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