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– Andrew Carnegie

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Intramuros is a history town city in Manila City. It was built when Spainish colonization era way back year 1590. Now the Philippines government has preserved and recovered most buildings of Intramuros from WW II damages. And this blog is to show you a brief photo tour among Intramuros before you can actually visit here.


* Aerial view of the Walled City of Intramuros | © Intramuros Administration / Facebook


* Intramuros map. You can get it free from sourvnir shop (tourist information center) in the Casa Manila Museum.


* Casa Manila Museum



* Casa Manila Museum outlook



* red roof and white wall of Casa Manila in Spanish style.



* red roof and white wall of Casa Manila in Spanish style and a step way down to lower floor.



* The hallway inside Casa Manila. You can feel cool breeze coming from outside.



* Barbara's Cafe inside Casa Manila



* Street (Calle) view. old buildings are preserved well here.



* San Agustin Church - a World Heritage by UNESCO



* San Agustin Church Museum.



* view inside San Agustin Church



* a kalesa passing. (kalesa is a horse cart for people to ride from Spanish era.)



* view from riding kalesa.



* street view.


* Baluarte de San Diego Gardens.




* an old steam machine.



* Baluarte de San Diego



* watchtower



* the wall of Intramuros



* Watch out flying golf balls. ha ha...



* Souvenir shops in front of Fort Santiago. A lot of art painting and Filipino souvenirs are available here to purchase.


* Fort Santiago





*** For more information, you can visit wikipedia page at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intramuros

or visit

Intramuros Administration  : http://intramuros.gov.ph/

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/OfficialIntramurosAdministration



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